My home built rigid heddle loom Project.
With images of all the parts and their dimensions
Email me if you have any questions and I will do my best to answer them

My Youtube channel with videos of the loom working

The finished loom

I decided to try and build a loom when my grandaughter had one bought her for a present
I made a couple of small frame looms that were quite successful.

I then got interested in building a "proper" loom and looked for plans to do that,
I looked all over the net to find some free plans but couldn't find any that were useful,
so I weighed up various looms and worked the dimensions out for myself
So here are my dimensions for my loom, I know I will have made mistakes but it does work well
so I am more than happy with the result.

All the parts
Right click on any of the images
and save them for reference.

The end pieces

The rollers and rods

The cogs

The shuttle

The heddle
the only part I purchased
( it is possible to make your own using lolly pop sticks )

The loom gears,
right click to save image,
save the image and set printer settings
to print to fit page ( on A4 ).

The assembly 1

The assembly 2

The assembly 3

The assembly 4

The assembly 5

The assembly 6

The assembly 7

Heddle in the up position
See Youtube videos on warping a rigid heddle loom

Heddle in the neutral position

Heddle in the Down position
I just use the weight of the Heddle to create the shed gap.

My first finished scarf